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Adult Volleyball Rules

Program Goals:  The goals and objectives of this program are to foster, develop, promote, and regulate amateur adult sports in Canon City. We also provide rule and regulations governing all teams; in order to establish a recreational activity that is safe and can be enjoyed by all participants. Please keep in mind that fair play and a recreational atmosphere is the result of good sportsmanship.

Safety:  For the protection and safety of all the participants, wearing jewelry is not recommended and players will be asked to remove all jewelry. If the article cannot be removed, it must be taped. All items that are deemed dangerous to the player or other participants must be covered with no exposure or removed.

Be aware of the following:
     •  Wearing hard splints or other types of potentially dangerous protection on the arm or the hands will be PROHIBITED, regardless of how they are padded.
     •  Any device that could increase a player’s ability to hit the ball in a forceful manner will be PROHIBITED.
     •  Wearing a soft bandage to cover a wound or to protect an injury will be permitted.
     •  Wearing an air filled cast on the lower extremities or a protective knee brace is permitted, provided that                     there is no exposed metal or hard, abrasive parts.  Padding is required to cover any exposed areas.
     • A sweatband of soft pliable material or a bandanna and hats are PERMITTED.

Insurance/Injuries: We DO NOT carry insurance for players, coaches, or official. Participants are responsible for all charges resulting from medical emergencies. We do provide some first-aid equipment for minor injuries.
In the event of an injury on the court, the site supervisor will assist by calling for medical help upon request of the team representative or the individual that was injured. We strongly suggest that teams keep a list of insurance information for all of its team members in case of an emergency.
If medical assistance is not needed the player or team representative is required to inform the site supervisor and complete an accident report form.

CANCELLED AND RESCHEDULED/MAKE-UP GAMES: We will contact all team representatives in the case of game cancellations and/or rescheduled/ make-up games. I will also post any cancellations and/or rescheduled/make-up games in Team Sideline.

GAME SITE: Games will be played at the Harrison Gym.
     •  All leagues will play Sunday Nights 

UNIFORMS:  It is not required to have jerseys of matching colors. All participants must wear tennis shoes that will not mark up the playing floor.

  •   8 ft (+ or -1 inch) for Co-Ed 
  •   7 ft 6"(+ or -1 inch) for Women's 

THE BALL:  The ball will be provided by the Parks and Recreation district. Teams may however; agree to play with an alternate ball (Both team must agree).
     •  Overhead Clearance- The ceiling will be playable as long as the ball hits the ceiling on your side of the net and you have a hit remaining. Any ball that hits the ceiling and passes over the net will be called a dead ball. 
     •  If the ball hits the basketball hoop/backboard and the referee feels it has delayed the game, the play will be replayed.  

     •  Rosters are limited to 12 players
     •  All players must be listed on the roster prior to participating.
     •  Roster additions may be made anytime up until the Roster Deadline.  A player must have played in at least                one game to be eligible after the roster deadline.
     •  Teams must have at least 3 players at the game to play. 
     •  If teams are not able to field a legal line-up, then they will forfeit the game.
•    Teams must consist of these ratios for Co-Ed League
o    3 males and 3 females on the court.  
o    3 males and 2 females (or vise versa)
o    2 males and 2 females

**If you have another ratio the other team must agree to it before 1st game starts.  If they do not agree the team will have to stick to these ratios.**

     •  Must be 18 years of age and older.
     •  Players are only allowed to play on ONE team.

     •  Substitutions can be made during any dead ball situation. Substitutions however must be made in the back middle position. If the substitution is for an injured player, then that player will take the place of the injured player in the rotation. The substitute must be of the same gender in co-ed.

     •  Each team’s representative or manager shall designate to the official who is the team or floor captain. Once this person is designated, he/she is the only person who shall address the official(s).

     •  Individuals who are ejected from the contest will be suspended for the remainder of the game, as well as, the next scheduled contest.
     •  It is the responsibility of the team representative to know, understand and abide by the rules and regulations of volleyball as the officials and supervisors  carry them out. 

     •  If a team does not show up to their scheduled contest without notifying the district office at 275- 1578 Monday - Friday, or on the weekends on Tawny  McCall’s Cell phone at 371-6541 then that team must pay a $25 forfeit fee. This team will not be allowed to play again until the fee is paid.

Forfeits may be declared for the following infractions:
     •  Illegal players (players not on a roster, players using an assumed name or ineligible players) participating.
     •  Misconduct by players, coaches or team managers before, during or after the contest.
     •  Not having the required number of players to play a complete match.

Duration of the Match
     •  Matches/Games start promptly at the time scheduled.
     •  Scheduled match time is forfeit time. Teams without the required number of players will forfeit the first                      game of the match. After 15 minutes, the second game will be forfeited and the match will be over.
     •  Time limit is 55 minutes.
     •  Only if time permits, teams will be able to warm-up prior to the game time. Both teams will be permitted to use the court. For safety measures, it is encouraged that both teams are attacking the net or serving during this time. If time does not permit a warm-up, the teams will be required to take the court with no warm-up.

     •  Matches will consist of the best 3 out of 5.
     •  Games will be scored by Rally Scoring to 21 points capped at 27 points.  If a game 5 is needed, game 5 will                  be to 15 points.   
     •  Standings will be updated the following day after league play in the Team Sideline app. 
     •  If teams are tied in the standing the following tie breakers will be used:
                 (Please see Adult Sports Procedures)

The following acts of team members are subject to sanctions by the referee:
     •  Addressing officials concerning their decisions.
     •  Making profane or vulgar acts, remarks, or gestures.
     •  Committing acts or gestures tending to influence the official(s).
     •  Disruptive coaching or actions by any team member.
     •  Crossing the vertical plane of the net with any part of the body with the sole purpose of distracting an opponent while the ball is in play.

The ball may touch any part of the body.
•    The ball must be hit, not caught and/or thrown.  It can rebound in any direction.
•    The ball may touch various parts of the body, provided that the contacts take place simultaneously.
Toss Error
     •  The server can allow the ball to drop to the floor and be able to serve again. If the server touches the ball                  before it hits the ground then it will be considered illegal and will lose the serve.
Change of service
     •  The team, which received the ball for the first service of the game, shall rotate one position clockwise prior               to the first serve.
Attacking the Serve
     •  It is illegal for a front row player to block a serve.
Setting the Serve
     •  It is legal to set the ball on the serve.
Hitting the net on the serve
     •  If the ball hits the net on the serve, it will be a legal serve. 
     •  A player making a block has the right to make the next contact, in which this contact is considered the first              of the team’s three hits.
     •  Teams are allowed two time-outs per game. Each time-out will not exceed 30 seconds.