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Adult Kickball Rules

Kickball is a simple game consisting of two teams, bases, and a big red ball.  Played like baseball, the object is to score more runs than the opposing team.  In short, kickball is played with 10 fielders, 7 innings, no bouncies and no headshots.  The following rules govern all CCRD kickball games.  For the enjoyment of all, proper respect and civility is required of all participants toward one another.


      • Athletic shoes are required.  Metal cleats are NOT allowed.

      • Players may wear protective equipment provided it does not offer an unfair advantage.

      • Team must have like colored shirts for all players.


      • Each team must consist of a minimum of seven (7) and no more than twenty (20) registered players.  All players must be 18 years of age.

      • Teams must field at least seven (7) players and no more than ten (10).  Teams must follow one of the following gender ratios:

            - 5 of each gender

            - 5 of one gender and 4 of the opposite gender

            - 4 of each gender

            - 4 of one gender and 3 of the opposite gender

            Failure to do so will result in the team forfeiting the game.

      • Each team shall have one Captain who will be responsible for the team.  The team captain must ensure that:

            - All team players present must kick.  The kicking order must alternate between genders.

            - All team players must kick in the written scorebook order.

            - Only the team captain may log disputes.

Base Coaches

      • Two members of the kicking team must coach first and third base.  The base coaches will assist in retrieving foul balls and may switch with other team members to remain in the proper kicking lineup.

      • Base coaches must be eligible players on the roster.

Regulation Games

       • Regulation games last seven (7) full innings or 55 minutes.  In the event of a tie score at the end of the game during the regular season the game will end in a tie.  We will play extra innings during tournament play only.

       • A game that is called off by the field supervisor after four full innings of play shall be considered a regulation game.  The game score at the end of the last full inning shall determine the winner.  Regulation games called off that end in a tie shall be marked as such.

       • A team failing to field at least seven (7) players at game time will forfeit the game.  A forfeit shall count as a loss.

       • Team must submit a lineup to the scorekeeper 10 minutes before game time.

Pitching / Catching

      • No bouncies.  A pitch that is higher than one foot at the plate is called a bouncy and results in a ball.

      • The pitcher must stay behind the pitching rubber until the ball is kicked.  Failure to abide by this rule results in the kicker being awarded first base.

      • No player may field in front of the pitcher other than the catcher, and no player may advance past the 1st to 3rd base diagonal line until the ball is kicked.  Failure to abide by this rule results in the kicker being awarded first base.

      • The catcher must field directly behind the kicker and may not cross-designated line before the ball is kicked.  Failure to abide by this rule results in the kickers being awarded first base.

      • An intentional walk of a male player results in the female player up to kick next has the option of walking or kicking the ball.  It must be an intention walk.  This is under the discretion of the umpire.


      • The strike zone extends to one foot on either side of home plate and 1 foot high.

      • All kicks must be made by foot.

      • All kicks must occur at or behind home plate.  A kick in front of home plate is called a foul.

      • Bunting is allowed; if the ball does not pass the 15 foot arch it will be considered a foul.


      • Runners must stay within the base line.  Fielders must stay out of the baseline.  Fielders trying to make an out on base may have their foot on base.  But must be safe at the base to which they were running.

      • Neither leading off base, not stealing a base is allowed.  A runner off his/her base when the ball is kicked is out.

      • Hitting the runner (upright running position) with the ball above shoulder level is not allowed.  Any runner hit above the shoulders is safe and advances one base.  If the runner is hit above the shoulders while intentionally using the head to block the ball, ducks to avoid contact with the ball, or slides, the runner is out.  

      • After a kicked ball is caught, runners must tag their originating base before running to the next base.

      • All ties go to the runner.  Runners may overrun first base only.

      • One base on an overthrow:  In taking advantage of the time loss from an overthrown ball that travels outside of the fence, a runner may advance to the next base.

      • In case of a need for a pinch runner, the pinch runner must be of the same gender.

      • 3 out of 4 outfielders must have both feet on the grass when ball is kicked.

Strikes / Balls

      • Kicker starts with a count of 1 ball and 1 strike

      • A strike is:

            - A pitch with in the strike zone either not kicked, or else missed by the kicker.

      • The first foul counts as a strike; it is not the third strike.

      • A count of three (3) balls advances the kicker to the first base.

      • A ball is:

            - A pitch outside of the strike zone

            - An illegal bouncy


      • Three (3) fouls constitute an out

      • A foul is:

            - A kick landing out of bounds

            - A kick landing in-bounds but traveling out of bounds on its own before reaching first or third bases.

                 (Any ball touched by an in-bounds fielder is automatically in play.)

      • A kick in front of home plate.


      • A count of three (3) outs by a team completes the team’s half of the inning.

      • An out is:

            - A count of three (3) strikes or three (3) fouls.

            - A runner touched by the ball at ANY time while not on a base.

            - Any kicked ball (fair or foul) that is caught in the air.

            - A ball tag on a base to which a runner is forced to run, a force out.

            - A runner off of his/her base when the ball is kicked.

Ball in Play

      • Once the pitcher has the ball in control and on the mound the play ends.

      • If a runner intentionally touches or stops the ball, the runner is out.